Airplane Flying During Golden Hour

How I Attuned Myself to the Golden Ray to Heal Myself and Others

Golden Light Healing is something I discovered a long time ago, I can’t remember what year it was but I do know that it was before I started my Reiki journey back in 2013, because it is actually what inspired me to learn Reiki.

I didn’t intend to attune myself to Golden Light (or Golden Ray, whatever you want to call it) but was practicing a Higher-Self alignment meditation where I imagined myself emerging with a golden column of light and aligning with my Higher-Self and connecting to the Oneness of the Universe. I had practiced this meditation/visualization a few times before, and always felt something from them but this one particular time was different, the connection felt different and suddenly I could physically feel warm, tingly golden energy (yes, you could actually feel that it was the colour gold) enter the top of my head, flow through my body down to my feet and then stretch out beyond my feet and root itself into the ground, where it instantly spread out rather than going deeper into the ground.

It really was the best buzzy feeling, so from then onwards I practiced these meditations every day and it just got stronger and stronger. Just like with my Reiki attunements, at first it was like opening up a small stream of energy, then it opened up like a gushing river, then one day it became as if I was a small drop of water amongst an ocean of energy.

You work the energy intuitively, you can channel it through your hands, you can create psy-balls with it, you can send it over long distances. You can use it just like Reiki energy. However, it is different to Reiki energy, it is specifically Gold Light and it has specific purposes. Despite working with this energy for a long time, I am still learning about it and what its specific uses are.

The reason why I felt compelled to write this post was because over the years, while trying to search for information about the Golden Ray online, I found that while there is a fair bit of information on Golden Light healing, a lot of it has been commercialized in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with charging people for Golden Light healings or charging for courses to teach people how to do it, but I have seen a lot of people charging for attunements and some idiot even tried to trademark this healing method, unsurprisingly they aren’t

Despite still learning about the Golden Light, I do know a few things. This energy is meant for anyone and everyone. No one is special because they can access the Golden Light, it is a human ability and anyone can attune themselves to it. The more you practice, the stronger it gets. You do not need anyone else to attune you to this healing energy, you have to attune yourself, that’s how it works. The more you practice the stronger it gets.

Golden Light is an energy of abundance, it gives you what you need so you don’t have any feelings of lack in your life. This doesn’t mean that Golden Light will make you rich, it will simply take a lot of the worry out of your life so you can focus on lighter things. Golden Light energy is also a generous energy, that is the nature of it. It’s about abundance and there always being enough. It doesn’t mix well with greed at all, it is meant for everyone. The person who tried to trademark the energy healing method is going to learn some hard lessons.

There is also a lot of talk about Golden Light energy awakening 5D consciousness or Christ consciousness and other theories. Thankfully I developed my own relationship with this energy before these belief systems became mainstream, and my personal experiences and belief is that this energy comes from the spirit of our Sun, and it is to energetically/spiritually feed and nourish the Earth and it’s inhabitants. However, I strongly suggest you get to know this energy yourself. Once you start this journey you will develop your own relationship and your own impressions with the Golden Light. It’s great to seek out other perspectives but these experiences and the relationship you develop with these energies is very personal.

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