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man in black dress shirt holding black smartphone
All Posts, Meditation

Lunchtime Refreshment | Alpha 12hz Isochronic Tones with Rain Soundscape

This panoramic rain soundscape acts as a quick refresher meditation with 12hz isochronic tones that will leave your mind relaxed but alert, in the high-Alpha mind state. The 285hz carrier Solfeggio frequency works to strengthen your energy field and support the bodies natural healing process.

water ripple effect
All Posts, Meditation

2 Immersive Soundscapes to Sooth and Relax Your Mind & Body

Hello. I created these soundscapes for a friend and am posting them here for easy streaming 🙂 The first one is one of my favorites. Imagine being immersed in a giant glass of sparkling water, with ice tinkling and cracking around you while also being surrounded by fizzy bubble sounds. The second one is deeply …

Lighted Candle Beside a Tibetan Singing Bowl on White Linen
All Posts, Insight Timer

Dream Come True! My Meditation Music is on Insight Timer!

Hey everyone, I’m Jenna Newbery and I’m excited to share that I’ve just started creating meditation music and relaxing soundscapes for the app Insight Timer! It’s been a passion of mine for over 13 years, and I’ve dedicated myself to creating meditation music and practicing sound healing. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share …